The grade school cross-country season is winding down. We've managed through it pretty well, all things considered. Missed some races because of weather (and an attempt not to get the munchkins sick), and some because of schedule (traveling Mom, too much homework, etc.), but overall, the experience has been pretty positive.
The season began with half-mile races, and our team has some pretty strong runners. The races this month have been 1.1 miles, which is a big jump. But, the girls are sticking with it and doing well.
We actually earned enough team points to place first in a couple of the early races, which means the team gets a trophy. Coach says, when the team wins a trophy, each member of the team gets to take the trophy home for a night. Our turn came around today. And, since both girls are on the team, we have the trophy for two nights!
So, the trophy is on our table. We'll take some pictures with it (depending on how long it takes to get homework and showers done), and let the girls keep it in their room for a night each, and then take it to school on Wednesday to pass along to the next girl. A small share in a large victory!
Are the girls really excited about the trophy? That's great that you have them in the sport in grade school. I'll bet they love it :)
Well, Kate likes the "hanging out with friends outside of school" part. I'm not so sure she's into the running. Kim is all over it. Pat positions himself along the last stretch of the course, and when he tells Kim to "run real fast," she does! She also passed someone right before the finish chute yesterday! She's got the competitive streak!
We did get a kick out of having the trophy here at home. And, it was purple, which made things even better!
Very nice trophy :)
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