Monday, October 19, 2009

Unemployment, Month 1.5ish

Well, today is Interview Day. The job is with the government office of a neighboring county, and I'm not sure that it will pay very well - it may be something part-time. However, DH is bound and determined to get off unemployment (more for the hassle of the program than any financial or other reason). We do have a lead on some online training that he seems to be interested in, and says if this government job comes through, he'll dedicate some serious time to the online classes and the certifications he'd need for another job.

Meanwhile, I'm falling off the spending freeze wagon. We are in the second quarter of the school year, which means the kids can wear uniform pants to school. I got the box of uniform clothes out of the closet, and didn't have any pants for my oldest daughter! Not sure how that happened! She made it through the prior two weeks with last year's pants (a little short...), and since I didn't find any pants on the clearance racks in the local stores, I went ahead and ordered a few pair online. ooh, that online shopping...sooooo easy....must stay away!!

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