Monday, August 31, 2009

It's Freezing In Here!

Well, we're on Week 2 here in Layoff Land. DH is still hitting the job sites and sending out resumes like crazy. No interviews as of yet. We should receive his first of two severance checks this week.

This impromptu diversion has meant a change in our spending habits. Right now, it's all about cutting out the little things: game and movie subscriptions, dinners and lunches out. We're also doing menu planning, eating from the freezer stash, shopping from a list. (And making excellent use of my new slow cooker!) I have found myself on somewhat of a spending freeze - keeping purchases to The Essentials, and staying away from Target. I can always find something to buy in Target, if not for me, then for the girls...

Now, I'm not sure how truly frozen my spending is - I still allow for a lunch or two out, McDonald's for the girls, and dinner with the grown ups. But, I feel like we're spending carefully, and keeping things in check. A little tightening of the belt, and hopefully, we'll come out of this quickly and only slightly scarred.