I was a bit sarcastic Monday night when I updated my status on Facebook. You'll forgive me, but the weather forecasters here go a little overboard. Turns out, they were more right than wrong -between late Monday and early Wednesday, we got snow, then ice, then more snow. It's not often that we get ice 'round these parts, but it is not something you want to mess with.
Tuesday, when the novelty of the snow day was still fresh, the girls and I did some shoveling on the driveway, and then ventured out to sled on the big hill behind Gramma and Grandpa's house.
Wednesday, after the ice arrived, we all hung out at the house, amusing ourselves with various electronics (WOW online for DH, Harry Potter audio book for the DD's, and work email for me). All was good until about 11:30, when we lost power. Yeeks! The girls got out the Crayola clay and made some sculputres, and after a couple hours we all bundled up and had naps. When the power came back on about 4, I discovered a) our neighbors had all taken advantage of not having any power, and spent the blackout shoveling their driveways, and b) our birch tree out front was laden with ice and doubled over. Sigh.
We made another valiant stab at shoveling the driveway, but about 1/3 of the way through the project, the ice got the best of me and my young assistant, and we headed back in.
Today, we are still snowed in and home from school. Work was piling up on both DH and myself, but, as his office is just around the corner, I got the short straw and had to stay home to work. Luckily, we have nieces not too far away, and willing in-laws who we called upon to host the kids for a bit. More playing in the snow, more hot chocolate, more vegging out with a blanket and a movie.
As for Friday, we already know school is cancelled (and Monday's forecast calls for more snow!). We're all a little stir crazy, but we have a birthday in the household this weekend, so we will hopefully find something wildly creative to keep us entertained.
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