Friday, January 30, 2009

Movies I Will Watch on Cable a Thousand Times

Coming off a week of being house-bound due to snow and ice, I'm contemplating the various movies I've stumbled across on cable. No matter where they are in the storyline when I find them, I'll always stop and watch them through to the end.

Now, the interesting thing is that I didn't see most of these movies in the theatre or on DVD. So, I've never seen a version that's not been edited for time and content.

  • Sister Act, I and II - The big singing numbers at the end always get me.

  • Drumline - again, I think this one's all about the drum numbers.

  • Bring It On, Bring It On Again, and I think there's a third one - Dumb cheerleader drama. Yup, sign me up.

  • Shall We Dance, Save the Last Dance - One of these is the dance version of Drumline, and the other is Antonio Banderas giving dance lessons to high schoolers in detention. You'll understand why I can't distinguish them at the moment. (There's also a Richard Gere Learns To Dance movie. I'd put that one on the list if I could figure out the title. ;-)

  • Legally Blonde, Clueless - girl power!

  • Steel Magnolias - swoon

  • The Devil Wears Prada - this movie I actually saw on DVD first, but discovered in on cable a couple weekends ago. New to the rotation. Sweet!

  • School of Rock - "and the legend of the rent was way hard core!"

  • Bridget Jones Diary and its sequel - another swoon, because there's no way my husband would sit through this movie with me.

  • Air Force One - see, that's one that DH would join me to watch.

  • Any Tom Clancy movie (Clear and Present Danger, etc.) - mostly because of Harrison Ford, but there's the action-adventure aspect, too.

  • Stripes - talk about a blast from the past. This one's left over from my college days, I think, when cable was new and fresh, and the cable networks were desperate. Or, it could be Bill Murray's cadences. "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

  • I've still got two more days at home, and being that I'm feeling kinda puny, I see more channel surfing in my future. We'll see if I find anything to add to this list.

    Thursday, January 29, 2009

    Snow! (well, ice, actually)

    I was a bit sarcastic Monday night when I updated my status on Facebook. You'll forgive me, but the weather forecasters here go a little overboard. Turns out, they were more right than wrong -between late Monday and early Wednesday, we got snow, then ice, then more snow. It's not often that we get ice 'round these parts, but it is not something you want to mess with.

    Tuesday, when the novelty of the snow day was still fresh, the girls and I did some shoveling on the driveway, and then ventured out to sled on the big hill behind Gramma and Grandpa's house.

    Wednesday, after the ice arrived, we all hung out at the house, amusing ourselves with various electronics (WOW online for DH, Harry Potter audio book for the DD's, and work email for me). All was good until about 11:30, when we lost power. Yeeks! The girls got out the Crayola clay and made some sculputres, and after a couple hours we all bundled up and had naps. When the power came back on about 4, I discovered a) our neighbors had all taken advantage of not having any power, and spent the blackout shoveling their driveways, and b) our birch tree out front was laden with ice and doubled over. Sigh.

    We made another valiant stab at shoveling the driveway, but about 1/3 of the way through the project, the ice got the best of me and my young assistant, and we headed back in.

    Today, we are still snowed in and home from school. Work was piling up on both DH and myself, but, as his office is just around the corner, I got the short straw and had to stay home to work. Luckily, we have nieces not too far away, and willing in-laws who we called upon to host the kids for a bit. More playing in the snow, more hot chocolate, more vegging out with a blanket and a movie.

    As for Friday, we already know school is cancelled (and Monday's forecast calls for more snow!). We're all a little stir crazy, but we have a birthday in the household this weekend, so we will hopefully find something wildly creative to keep us entertained.

    Tuesday, January 20, 2009

    Pro-duc-tive [pruh-duhk-tiv]

    When I have a day off from work (as I did Monday, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day), I always feel like I should use it for something Productive - usually in terms of an around-the-house project. However, Real Life usually intervenes, and the day slithers away with very little actually accomplished.

    Cases in point:
    • Thanksgiving 2008 - two days off by myself. Aim was to head up to Ikea and buy a new kitchen table, and start work on painting the master bathroom. I think I poked at the existing wallpaper border in the bathroom, in an effort to determine how easily it would come off. Answer: Not so easily. Sigh. Two days of vegging resulted.
    • Christmas 2008 - a week at home with the whole family. There were toys to sort, outgrown clothes to categorize, rooms to clean, laundry to do, and again, that painting job in the bathroom. We did get the toys sorted, but ended up watching movies and playing games instead of accomplishing anything on Mom's List. Not a total waste, but more of a seven-day version of our normal weekend.
    So, when I got to last Friday, and the impending three-day weekend, I didn't make a list, I didn't stop by and pick out paint samples. I just went home. We vegged most of the weekend, but still managed to get laundry and dishes done. And Monday morning, I fixed breakfast and we did more vegging. It wasn't until late in the day that I was inspired to work on a project - doll bedding. Because every doll needs sheets and blankets and a pillow.

    Somehow, without the stress of a pre-planned To Do List, I managed to be a bit productive on my day off. Though Monday only resulted in two doll mattresses and a sample blanket, I also figured out how to cut fabric into bias tape! And sew short pieces together into longer strips (as for blanket edging)! Because sewing for dolls is much less intimidating than sewing for The Real Thing (aka, a couch slipcover).

    But I still have to tackle painting that bathroom. ;-)

    Wednesday, January 7, 2009

    Week in Review

    Well, it's only Wednesday, so this must be a "first week of the new year" in review, not a Sunday-Saturday review. Yeah, let's go with that!

    Started off the new year with our friends in Lanesville - drinks, dancing, even an after-midnight stop at Waffle House. We really forgot how old we all are! New Year's day included big naps for most of us!

    Our winter break ended with a whimper - we did stop by Blockbuster and rented some games for the DS's - a try-before-you-buy thing. Reviews:

    • Tinkerbell - cute, a little tough for the young one, but the older one took right to it. She is all about the Disney Fairies right now.

    • Mario Party - again, my older daughter took right to it, and the younger one just got a chance to try it out today.

    • NinjaTown - this one was Pat's choice, but I got the second crack at it and really like it. Even played it while waiting for a conference call to start while working from home the other day. Shh!

    So far, our back to school for 2009 has been successful - report cards for the 2nd quarter come home on Friday, so we'll know more then.

    Tuesday morning started bright and early for me (well, early, anyway) - I made it out to Jeffersonville to be a background performer for the Jazzercise promo spot on the local news show. I have it on DVR...some creativity will be required to get anything out of that format, so we'll see. I did review the footage and I look happily anonymous. And there's no footage of me trying to do push-ups. Hah!

    Today's highlight - VINYL! I've been ordering vinyl printed skins for the DS's - so they may be easily distinguished among the cousins'/friends' units - and found offerings to cover laptops and Wii units as well. Lots of fun stuff, but nothing that really inspired me.

    Ok, let's talk about this inspiration thing for a minute. You may or may not be familiar with my latest Dream Car - The Dodge Charger. This was further fostered when I was given a 2008 Ford Mustang as a rental car on two separate occasions this summer - the Mustang was fun, but I'm still a mom, and the Charger comes with four doors. Hee! Nevermind that I've not test driven or even sat in the Charger. It's all about the looks, baby. Anyway, some of the racier models come with - wait for it... - racing stripes! Probably not what I'd choose were I driving the thing in real life, but they look pretty cool out on the street. So, this became my inspiration for the laptop skin - just some racing stripes. That's not too racy. ;-)

    Well, I didn't find anyone who made a full skin with racing stripes, but I found a supplier of vinyl online (similar to what you might use for vinyl lettering or vinyl decals made with a home die cut system). The vinyl came today, and while dinner was in the oven, I striped my laptop. Yes, this is the highlight of my week, and another case where my scrapbooking tools and research don't have anything to do with photos. Maybe that should be my 2009 Resolution - Use My Scrapbooking Tools for Scrapbooking! Not Just Collecting!

    Now, I'm off to stripe my Wii. Happy New Year!