- Cleaning frenzy to prepare house for birthday sleepover guests
- Wrangling said birthday sleepover guests
- Cleaning frenzy after birthday sleepover (to include household laundry!)
- Work - crazy work stuff...
- Payday and bills
- Last basketball game for school
- Third Quarter parent-teacher conferences
- Planning for Spring Break trip to Ohio
- More birthday fun - ice cream for the classroom snack, cookies for the weekend snack, still have some gifts to wrap and share...
- NCAA Tournament (My interest in college basketball has perked up after watching the grade-schoolers play. Third grade boys setting picks, running plays, shooting one-handed layups? Oh my!!)
Aah, but the thing I haven't done in all this crazy living is worked out - and I miss it! I'm ready to lace up my sneakers and hit the floor. Woohoo! (And we'll see how sore I am tomorrow!)