Friday, January 30, 2009

Movies I Will Watch on Cable a Thousand Times

Coming off a week of being house-bound due to snow and ice, I'm contemplating the various movies I've stumbled across on cable. No matter where they are in the storyline when I find them, I'll always stop and watch them through to the end.

Now, the interesting thing is that I didn't see most of these movies in the theatre or on DVD. So, I've never seen a version that's not been edited for time and content.

  • Sister Act, I and II - The big singing numbers at the end always get me.

  • Drumline - again, I think this one's all about the drum numbers.

  • Bring It On, Bring It On Again, and I think there's a third one - Dumb cheerleader drama. Yup, sign me up.

  • Shall We Dance, Save the Last Dance - One of these is the dance version of Drumline, and the other is Antonio Banderas giving dance lessons to high schoolers in detention. You'll understand why I can't distinguish them at the moment. (There's also a Richard Gere Learns To Dance movie. I'd put that one on the list if I could figure out the title. ;-)

  • Legally Blonde, Clueless - girl power!

  • Steel Magnolias - swoon

  • The Devil Wears Prada - this movie I actually saw on DVD first, but discovered in on cable a couple weekends ago. New to the rotation. Sweet!

  • School of Rock - "and the legend of the rent was way hard core!"

  • Bridget Jones Diary and its sequel - another swoon, because there's no way my husband would sit through this movie with me.

  • Air Force One - see, that's one that DH would join me to watch.

  • Any Tom Clancy movie (Clear and Present Danger, etc.) - mostly because of Harrison Ford, but there's the action-adventure aspect, too.

  • Stripes - talk about a blast from the past. This one's left over from my college days, I think, when cable was new and fresh, and the cable networks were desperate. Or, it could be Bill Murray's cadences. "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

  • I've still got two more days at home, and being that I'm feeling kinda puny, I see more channel surfing in my future. We'll see if I find anything to add to this list.

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